Now Offering Conventional and Sexed Heifer Semen on RCM Black Chewbucca - 5yr old Black Highland Bull. Chewbucca is an exceptionally well built, mature small framed midsized 45 inch Highland Bull with incredible structure and disposition. He has hair for days and has laid it down on everyone of his calves this calving season. Low birth weights and calving ease paired with our Small Mid Sized Females.
Conventional Semen $250/straw
Sexed Heifer Semen $500/straw
RCM FireBall is a 2021 Miniature Chondro Positive Red Tipped Highpark Bull standing at 38 inches to his topline. Fireball has some beautiful and very unique shades of red tones and roaning through his hair coat which is sure to add some splash to his calves. This little guy is built like a tank and has a wonderful gentle and calm disposition.
Sexed Heifer Semen $500/straw